Saturday, August 16, 2008

2008 Foreword 前言

The yearly 7th month prayers was held on 16th August, 2008 at similar location and the organiser is non other than Andy the man who came forward yearly to ensure that the ceremony is carried out without fail. Despite the reduction in number of participants, the overall collections were very encouraging. On behalf of Andy, I would like to extend my appreciation to the yearly sponsors and also the hardcore helpers who contributed to the success of the praying event. On this blog, I had posted 2 videos and also photographs on the event carried out in sequence.
* Click on respective photographs for enlarge view

一年一度的庆中元仪式在农历七月十六日在同样地点举行,主办者别无他人就是确保仪式每年都顺利进行的ANDY. 今年人数虽然少了,但总筹到的款项还是相当可观。 在此我谨代表ANDY向那些常年赞助者及劳苦功高的帮手们说声谢谢。如果没有他们的支持,整个庆中元仪式不可能进行的那么顺利。 在此博克放置了两个录影片段及根据仪式进行持续的照片共大家观赏。

Giving Light To Da Shi Ye Video 给大士爷开光录影片段

2008 Distribution of Goodies Video 2008分配福物录影

The Tentage 帐棚设置

Tentage being erected at the similar location

Offerings to Tian Gong 敬天公物品

Similar to the previous year, there're 8 roast pig being offered to Tian Gong

The Main Altar 众神明

The setting of the Main Altar is also similar to last year

Da Shi Ye 大士爷

Da Shi Ye before the light giving ceremony

Da Shi Ye after the light giving ceremony

The Sponsors & Good Helpers 赞助人士及好帮手

Sponsor's namelist

Yearly these groups of hardcore helper came forward voluntarily to render a helping hand. Some of them even stayed overnight!

Our sincere thanks to these groups of hardcore helpers

The Good Helpers Cont'd 好帮手续

More photographs of the hard core helper

Paying Respect to the God 敬拜神明

The taoist priest leading the crowd during the paying respect to god ceremony

Look at the crowd!

Goods Distribution Ceremony 分配福物仪式

Preparation of items for the goodies distribution ceremony

A close up of the prepared items which comprises of "fa gao" flowers, sweets, cigarettes, red packets, coins, biscuits, rice, etc., Do click to enlarge photograph for details
分配福物的特写镜头包括: 发糕,鲜花,糖果,香烟,红包,钱币,饼干,米,等等. 把照片放大可观看细节

The taoist priest leading the crowd during the Goodies Distribution Ceremony

Goods Distribution Ceremony Cont'd 分配福物仪式续

More photographs on the Goodies Distribution Ceremony

The taoist priest and all personnel during the Goodies Distribution Ceremony

Goods Distribution Ceremony Cont'd 分配福物仪式续。。。

Collection of joss stick after the Goods Distribution Ceremony

Bidding of Auspicious item 标福物

These auspicious items were prepared for bidding purpose and wishing the bidders luck and prosperity in the coming year
这些福物都是准备给人们标的, 祝他们来年事事顺利, 大富大贵

Andy with the first auspicious item asking for the highest bidder

Andy delivering the "fa gao" to the bidder

Bidding of Auspicious Items cont'd 标福物续

More bidding photographs

Andy giving the "fa gao" to Annie wishing her luck and prosperity in the coming year

Preparation of Sending of Da Shi Ye & Joss Paper Offering 准备送大士爷及供奉冥纸

Helpers busy carrying bags of joss paper for burning

Preparation of the Da Shi Ye Statue for the sending off ceremony

Taoist priest in action during the invitation of Da shi Ye
