Monday, August 23, 2010

2010 AMK Seagate 7th Month Prayers 2010年宏茂桥希捷庆中元

This is definitely the final year celebrating 7th Month Prayers in Seagate AMK but the spirit of participation is not dampened by the finale of this event. From the phototgraphs posted here, its not difficult to see the overwhelming attendance with the regular supporters and hard core helpers contributing in all ways to make the event a grand finale. Thanks to MS Yong and Committee for the initiation of the last minute arrangement for the finale to be made possible. The most commendable person whom we ought to thank is our one and only Andy who had left the company 2 months ago. He had specially flown back from abroad to ensure that this final event is held successfully. On behalf of everyone, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to Andy for his extra ordinary effort taken in making the event yet another successful year. And also to our supporters and hard core helpers a big "THANK YOU" - Peng
Total Photographs Posted: 112
从所放置的照片,不难看出踊跃的参于者,常年支持者和忠心的帮手们为正个仪式所付出的努力.这一切要感谢MS YONG 和多位成员所作出的临时决定来筹备整个庆典.最值得表扬的就是离开公司两个月的ANDY.他特地从国外回来确保这最后的庆中元仪式的圆满落幕.我谨代表大家向他道谢.在此也要感谢我们的支持者和忠心的帮手们所付出的贡献 - 平

Date of Event Held/举办日期: 22nd August, 2010 (农历七月十三日)
Location/地点: Seagate AMK Car Park / 希捷宏茂桥停车场