Monday, August 27, 2007

2007 FOREWORD 前言

This blog was specially created for the interest of all Seagators especially Mr. Andy Kwa on his yearly effort taken in initiating and organizing the Seventh Month Prayer. All these years, hardly any photograph or video was taken on the celebration during the prayers ceremony and with the availability of blog space, it beckons me to take this opportunity to post and share the events that have taken place. I sincerely hope that this blog will add some spice on the aftermath of the celebration held and you will also enjoy viewing the videos as well as photographs taken. Looking forward to better response of participation for next year 7th Month Prayer that will add a more glamorous touch to the celebration. - YS
If you have any comments on any items, please feel free to do so for further improvement.
Total No. of Photographs posted: 58 Video: 2
* Click on photograph for enlarge view
这博克网站是特别为SEAGATE员工尤其是ANDY KWA先生每年为创办庆中元所付出的努力而摄制的。这些年来很少庆典的照片或录影片段被拍下来,但如今有了博克空间它引诱了我趁这个机会把庆典的点点滴滴放在此与大家分享。我希望这博克能增添庆典后的一些回顾也希望您会喜欢观赏这里的照片以及录影片段.希望明年参与者会比今年更踊跃使整个中元庆典推向另一个高峰. - YS
展示照片总数:58 张 录影片段:2
* 把滑鼠(MOUSE)箭头指在照片然后按动可扩大照片

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