Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Organizer 主办人

Each year Mr. Andy Kwa spend a great deal of effort in organizing and ensuring the success of the 7th Month Prayers for Seagators. His commendable and persistent effort have been well received with the number of participants and voluntary helpers coming forward to render assistant in one way or other. Hereby, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Andy for making the Mass 7th Month Prayers possible - YS
每年Andy先生都会花很多时间与精力来为SEAGATE员工筹备并确保庆中元这个节日顺利的如期进行. 他卖力与坚持的表现迎来了一群自愿人士的各方面支持. 在此我谨代表大家向他道谢 - YS

1 comment:

hjgoh said...

Andy, well done! Keep it up, Bro! - HJ.